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Looking for online English teachers in UK
Looking for online English teachers in UK

"Teach English via Skype 

to Korean, Japanese and Chinese students"

Our Style

About Us


We are a UK-based online English language school that is especially for students in Far East Asia including South Korea, Japan and China. Please join us to teach English !!

Teach English at any level, from beginner
to expert. 

Online Classes



All our lessons are provided on Skype to students in different time zones (GMT +7/8 hours). Each lesson is 25 or 50 minutes long.

Looking for online English teachers in UK
English for Children
Expand children’s vocabulary and range of expressions 

For Children


Help children to build their vocabulary and develop good sentence structure by reading books with them and practising and correcting pronunciation.

English for college students & general people

Conversational English


 Many college students need to improve their listening and speaking skills to help them prepare for moving into work.


Our courses can provide them with the skills and confidence they need.

Business English
business people how to communicate

For Business People


Many Asian business people find it difficult to communicate in English.


We need teachers who can help them learn appropriate business language and etiquette.

Looking for online English teachers in UK
Looking for online English teachers in UK

Barons English

Online English School


47 Barton Road, London, W14 9HB, U.K


Tel      : +44 (0)20 8144 0745

Email :

Skype: barons.english

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Looking for online English teachers in UK

UTR Number : 7192433038

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